Digital Transgender Archive

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  1. A home of our own

    Collection: Newspaper and Periodical Clippings (1950-2000)
    Institution: Northeastern University Archives and Special Collections
    Creator: The Ad Hoc Committee to Support the Lesbian Herstory Archives
    Date: Jun. 23, 1991
    Topics: Anti-lesbian violence, Archives, Butches, Dykes, Femmes, Lesbian activism, Lesbian African-Americans, Lesbian archives, Lesbian bars, Lesbians, Lesbians of colour, Male impersonators, Persecution of lesbians
    Subject: Becky Johnson, C. Walsh Theater, First African Meeting House, Gay Community News, Jenifer Firestone, Jewel Box Revue, Joan Nestle, Lesbian Herstory Archives, Michelle Parkerson, Red Shades Affinity Group, Stormé: The Lady of the Jewel Box, Stormé DeLarverie, West Village
    Description: An article summarizing an event to benefit the Lesbian Herstory Archives, featuring a short film about Storme Delarverie and appearances from notable lesbian activists. Originally published on page...
  2. A kinder and gentler festival?

    Collection: Newspaper and Periodical Clippings (1950-2000)
    Institution: Northeastern University Archives and Special Collections
    Creator: Burkholder, Nancy
    Date: Sep. 1, 1991
    Topics: Anti-transgender discrimination, Cisgender women, Lesbian culture, MtFs, Music festivals, Passing (Gender), Stealth, Transphobia, Transsexual people, Women's music festivals, Womyn
    Subject: Barbara Price, Gay Community News, Lisa Vogel, Michigan Womyn's Music Festival, Two Nice Girls
    Description: An article by Nancy Burkholder, a woman who was thrown out of a Women's Music Festival on suspicion of being transsexual. Burkholder criticizes this decision eloquently. Originally published on pag...
  3. All dressed up and nowhere to go?

    Collection: Newspaper and Periodical Clippings (1950-2000)
    Institution: Northeastern University Archives and Special Collections
    Date: Jan. 10, 1988
    Topics: Crossdressing, Gender identity, Helplines, Transgenderism, Transsexualism
    Subject: Gay Community News, TV-TS Contact Service
    Description: A classified ad for the TV-TS (transvestite transsexual) contact service, originally published in volume 15, number 25 of Gay Community News.
  4. An Intimate Circle of Friends

    Collection: Newspaper and Periodical Clippings (1950-2000)
    Institution: Northeastern University Archives and Special Collections
    Creator: Moody, Linda
    Date: Oct. 13, 1984
    Topics: Crossdressing, Lesbian artists, Lesbians, LGBTQ+ actors, LGBTQ+ archives, LGBTQ+ theater, Sexism
    Subject: Addie Manning, Anne Whitney, Boston Area Lesbian and Gay History Project, Charles Dickens, Charlotte Cushman, Edwin Booth, Eliza Cook, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Gay Community News, Hamlet, Harriet Hosmer, Janet Kahn, Macbeth, Matilda Hays, Oliver Twist, Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare
    Description: This article details the life and history of Charlotte Cushman and her circle of friends, many of whom were lesbians and engaged in crossdressing. There are several small typos in the article; Cush...
  5. 'chosen' 'trap'?

    Collection: Newspaper and Periodical Clippings (1950-2000)
    Institution: Northeastern University Archives and Special Collections
    Creator: Neutzel, David
    Date: Jul. 8, 1987
    Topics: Anti-transgender violence, Gender dysphoria, Gender identity, Letters to the editor, LGBTQ+ prisoners, Masculinities, MtFs, Sexuality, Transgender people, Transgender youth
    Subject: Avon Park Correctional Institution, Gay Community News
    Description: A letter to the editor of Gay Community News from a prisoner at Avon Park Correctional Institution. Originally printed in volume 15, issue 3. Content Warning: This item contains potentially sensiti...
  6. Coming Out as Transsexual

    Collection: Newspaper and Periodical Clippings (1950-2000)
    Institution: Northeastern University Archives and Special Collections
    Creator: Christina Ann Debosco
    Date: Jan. 31, 1988
    Topics: Diversity, Drag, Intersectionality, Letters to the editor, LGBTQ+ people of color, Transsexual people, Transvestites
    Subject: Buffalo Transition Support, Gay Community News, March on Washington for Lesbian, Gay and Bi Equal Rights and Liberation
    Description: A letter to the editor of Gay Community News from Christina Ann Debosco. Debosco requests that more information and writing by and for transgender individuals be published in the newspaper. Origina...
  7. cross-dressing: inside and out

    Collection: Newspaper and Periodical Clippings (1950-2000)
    Institution: Northeastern University Archives and Special Collections
    Creator: Scribner, Lynn M.
    Date: Feb. 23, 1985
    Topics: Clothing, Crossdressers, Crossdressing, Drag queens, Letters to the editor, LGBTQ+ imprisonment, LGBTQ+ prisoners, Lingerie, Sexuality
    Subject: Gay Community News, Gayellow Pages, Lambda Legal Defense & Education Fund (LLDEF), TV-TS Contact Service
    Description: Letter to the editor of Gay Community News from a person imprisoned in Huntsville, TX. Originally published on page 6 of Volume 12, number 31.
  8. cross-dressing now legal in st. louis

    Collection: Newspaper and Periodical Clippings (1950-2000)
    Institution: Northeastern University Archives and Special Collections
    Creator: Fauntleroy, Jim
    Date: Aug. 24, 1986 to Aug. 30, 1986
    Topics: Crossdressing, Law, Newspaper court reporting, Police
    Subject: ACLU News, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Gay Community News
    Description: A short news bulletin recounting a recent court case in St. Louis, MO, in which a female impersonator and a transsexual person sued the city for arresting them for crossdressing. The article insinu...

    Collection: Newspaper and Periodical Clippings (1950-2000)
    Institution: Northeastern University Archives and Special Collections
    Date: Apr. 28, 1984
    Topics: Advertising, Classified, Crossdressing, Lesbians, Personals
    Subject: Gay Community News
    Description: A classified ad by a crossdressing white male (WM) looking for a gay white female (GWF). Originally published on page 15 of volume 11, number 40 of Gay Community News.
  10. Drag queens suspected in stabbings

    Collection: Newspaper and Periodical Clippings (1950-2000)
    Institution: Northeastern University Archives and Special Collections
    Creator: Gaines, Kelly
    Date: Jan. 14, 1990
    Topics: Bars (Drinking establishments), Drag queens, Violent crimes
    Subject: Dallas Voice, Gay Community News
    Description: A news bulletin from Dallas describing a violent incident on New Year's Day. Originally published on page 2 of volume 17, number 26 of Gay Community News.
  11. Dressing the Part: Two Approaches to Drag

    Collection: Newspaper and Periodical Clippings (1950-2000)
    Institution: Northeastern University Archives and Special Collections
    Creator: Schneiderman, Jo, Leigh, Joanna, Lynn, Merissa Sherrill
    Date: May 5, 1984
    Topics: Camp (Gay culture), Clothing, Crossdressers, Drag, Drag bars, Drag community, Drag queens, Femininities, Gay community, Gender affirming surgery, Gender expression, LGBTQ+ events, LGBTQ+ relationships, MtFs, Sexual assault, Transsexual people
    Subject: Eve's Garden, Fire and Ice Review, Gay Community News, Jacque's, Norell, Roberta Dearborn, Tiffany Club, Tina Lea
    Description: A compilation of interviews with drag queens, transsexual women, and crossdressers. Touches on the drag scene in Boston, presenting and passing as a woman, the threat of sexual assault, and relatio...
  12. "Even if you win your revolution, I'm still an outlaw"

    Collection: Newspaper and Periodical Clippings (1950-2000)
    Institution: Northeastern University Archives and Special Collections
    Creator: Kaplan, Rebecca
    Date: Apr. 19, 1992
    Topics: Gender identity, Lesbians, LGBTQ+ religious people, LGBTQ+ spiritual people, LGBTQ+ theater, MtFs, Transsexual people
    Subject: Gay Community News, Hidden: A Gender, Kate Bornstein, Real Art Ways, The Bible, The Opposite Sex... is Neither
    Description: A review of Kate Bornstein's one woman play, The Opposite Sex ... is Neither, originally published on page 9 of volume 19, number 37 of Gay Community News.

    Collection: Newspaper and Periodical Clippings (1950-2000)
    Institution: Northeastern University Archives and Special Collections
    Creator: Bronski, Michael, Thompson, Mark, Hayes, Dimid
    Date: Jul. 12, 1987
    Topics: Berdache, Book reviews, Closeted gay men, Crossdressing, Faeries, Gay activism, Gay culture, Gay liberation, Gay men, Homophobia, Internalized homophobia, Interviews, Lesbian activism, LGBTQ+ books, LGBTQ+ Christians, LGBTQ+ religious people, LGBTQ+ spiritual people, Persecution of gay men, Queer men
    Subject: Anita Bryant, Edward Carpenter, Gay Community News, Gay Spirit: Myth and Meaning, Harry Hay, LIVE-AID, Louisiana Sissies in Struggle, Mark Thompson, The Advocate, Tree Roots Collective, Walt Whitman
    Description: An interview with Mark Thompson and a review of his book, Gay Spirit: Myth and Meaning. Thompson discusses what it means to be gay and references crossdressers and iconic gay men of the past. Origi...
  14. Fighting for the rights of transsexuals

    Collection: Newspaper and Periodical Clippings (1950-2000)
    Institution: Northeastern University Archives and Special Collections
    Creator: Farmer, Dee
    Date: Nov. 24, 1991
    Topics: Butches, FtMs, Gender affirming surgery, Letters to the editor, LGBTQ+ prisoners, MtFs, Transphobia, Transsexual people, Wimmin, Women's music festivals, Womyn
    Subject: Gay Community News, Michigan Womyn's Music Festival, Nancy Burkholder, Sr. Mary Elizabeth
    Description: A letter to the editor responding to another letter regarding Nancy Burkholder's ejection from the Michigan Womyn's Music Festival. Farmer defends Burkholder's right to attend and also offers legal...
  15. Free TV/TS contact service

    Collection: Newspaper and Periodical Clippings (1950-2000)
    Institution: Northeastern University Archives and Special Collections
    Creator: Rubin, Ina Helen
    Date: Jan. 31, 1988
    Topics: Crossdressing, Helplines, Letters to the editor, Transgenderism, Transsexual people, Transsexualism, Transvestites
    Subject: American Transvestite-Transsexual Contact Service, Gay Community News, Kinsey Institute, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF), National Transvestite-Transsexual Hotline Number, TV-TS Contact Service
    Description: A response to an ad, redirecting readers from a paid trans focused talk line to a free one. Originally published on page 4 of volume 15, number 28 of Gay Community News.