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NYC Trans Oral History Project
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Akasha Barker Oral History
Collection: Oral Histories with People of Color Institution: NYC Trans Oral History Project Creator: Barker, Akasha, Niculescu, Sebastián Castro Date: Jul. 12, 2018 Topics: Adolescence, Androgyny, Arrests, Arts and entertainment occupations, Beauty schools, Body image, Change of name, Education, Family members, Gender dysphoria, Gender realignment surgery, HIV/AIDS, Isolation, LGBTI community, Mental health, Music, NGOs, Police brutality, Sexually abused LGBTQ+ children, Substance use in LGBTQ+ communities, Support groups, Transgender community, Transgender people Description: In this conversation with interviewer Sebastián Castro Niculescu, entertainer Akasha Barker (she/her/hers & they/them/theirs) discusses her journey with her gender identity during the HIV/AIDS epid... -
Alyssa Pariah Oral History
Collection: Oral Histories with People of Color Institution: NYC Trans Oral History Project Creator: O'Brien, Michelle Esther, Pariah, Alyssa Date: Jan. 16, 2018 Topics: Activists, Appearance, Arrests, Bathrooms, Bullying, Capitalism, Child abuse, Childhood, Clothing, Communities, Detention, Direct action, Discrimination, Ethnic groups, Femininities, Gender identity, Gender realignment surgery, Harassment, LGBTQ+ relationships, LGBTQ+ sex workers, Occupy movement--New York (State)--New York, Police, Schools, Sexuality, Social movements, Socialism, Transgender youth, Transitioning (Gender) Subject: Alyssa Pariah, Black Lives Matter (BLM) Description: Alyssa Pariah recounts her difficult childhood in New Jersey, her involvement in trans women of color and sex worker communities in New York, and her radicalization as a revolutionary socialist. Sh... -
Brycen Gaines Oral History
Collection: Oral Histories with People of Color Institution: NYC Trans Oral History Project Creator: Elle, Eve, Gaines, Brycen Date: Apr. 29, 2017 Topics: Colleges, Discrimination, FtMs, Gay-straight alliances, Gender identity, Health care, Hormones, LGBTI community, Racism, Therapies, Transgender community, Transitioning (Gender), Work situation Subject: Brycen Gaines Description: In this brief interview, Brycen Gaines touches on a variety of topics, beginning with his first moment of awareness of his gender identity. He discusses discrimination, healthcare, family, and tran... -
Donna M. Cartwright Oral History
Collection: Audio and Video Clips and Transcripts Institution: NYC Trans Oral History Project Creator: Cartwright, Donna M., O'Brien, Michelle Esther Date: Dec. 23, 2017 Topics: Acceptance, Activists, Arrests, Beauty standards, Colleges, Coming out, Crossdressing, Dating, Drag queens, Ethnic relations, Events, Gender identity, Gender realignment surgery, Hormones, Labour movement, LGBTQ+ movement, LGBTQ+ sex workers, Marriage, Normalization, Organisations, Secrecy, Sexuality, Social movements, Socialism, Stereotypes, Therapists, Trade unions, Transgender community, Transgender movement, Transgender people, Transgender prostitutes, Transgender rights, Transgender youth, Transitioning (Gender) Subject: Brandon Teena, Christine Jorgensen, Donna M. Cartwright, Gender Right Advocacy Association of New Jersey (GRAANJ), GenderPAC, National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE), New York Association for Gender Rights Advocacy (NYAGRA), Pride at Work, Terence Stamp, The New York Times Description: Donna Cartwright discusses her long history in the labor movement, as a socialist militant, in leading roles in trans rights organizing and LGBTQ organizations. She recounts her 30 years spent as a... -
Hannah E. Simpson Oral History
Collection: Audio and Video Clips and Transcripts Institution: NYC Trans Oral History Project Creator: Simpson, Hannah E, Ramsay, Grace Date: Mar. 22, 2017 Topics: Bullying, Coming out, Crossdressing, Drag, Gender diversity, Gender dysphoria, Heteronormativity, Higher education, Hormones, Labour, Military, MtFs, Parents of transgender people, Social norms, Transgender families, Transphobia, Visibility Subject: Hannah E Simpson Description: Hannah E. Simpson is an activist who draws on her education and harassment during medical school to inspire her advocacy work. She was one of the first trans individuals to speak in front of offici... -
Interview with Kiyan Williams
Collection: Oral Histories with People of Color Institution: NYC Trans Oral History Project Creator: Williams, Kiyan Date: Jun. 26, 2019 Topics: Anti-transgender violence, Artists, Black people, Black studies, Childhood, Drag balls, Feminism, Gender diversity, Gentrification, Liberty, Transgender youth, Visual arts Subject: Black Feminism, Breakthrough US, Cachous, Cherrie Moraga, Chi Chiz, Columbia University, Gay-Straight Alliance, Gloria Anzaldua, John Morgan, Lambda Literary Award, No Ashes in the Fire, Rashad Newsome, Rutgers Newark, Shade Chronicles, Stonewall -
Jeaux Henry Oral History
Collection: Oral Histories with People of Color Institution: NYC Trans Oral History Project Creator: Henry, Jeaux Date: May 22, 2019 Topics: Anti-transgender violence, Being in love, Black people, Childhood, Coming out, Crossdressing, Dating, Family members, Gender diversity, Gender role, Health care, Lesbian culture, Lesbians, LGBTI community, Masculinities, Pronoun, Psychotherapy, Secondary education, Social media, Solidarity, Transgender archives, Transgender community, Transgender people, Visibility, Women Subject: Bklyn Boihood, Black Boi Complex, Black Trans TV, Callen-Lorde Health Center, General Education Development (GED), Job Corps, One Medical Group, Racquel Reid, The Lighthouse, Zocdoc Description: Jeaux narrates their coming into black trans boihood, from their childhood in Atlanta to their life in New York City today. As the creator of Black Boi Complex, a virtual community for masculine-of... -
Josephine Perez Oral History
Collection: Oral Histories with People of Color Institution: NYC Trans Oral History Project Creator: Keyes, Anna, Perez, Josephine Date: Mar. 23, 2018 Topics: Abuse, Activists, Childhood, Coming out, Drag, Employment discrimination, Ethnic groups, Families, Gender identity, HIV/AIDS, Homelessness, Housing, LGBTI community, MtFs, Organisations, Police, Rape, Sexual assault, Sexual orientation, Street violence, Substance abuse, Transgender community, Transgender prostitutes, Transgender youth, Transitioning (Gender), Transphobia Subject: Audre Lorde Project (ALP) Description: Josephine Perez is a trans* advocate who emphasizes a need for better law enforcement protections for transgender women. Josephine experienced sexual violence on multiple occasions and became a sex... -
Juliana Moraes Oral History
Collection: Oral Histories with People of Color Institution: NYC Trans Oral History Project Creator: Moraes, Juliana, Niculescu, Sebastián Castro Date: Aug. 18, 2018 Topics: Childhood, Dance, Discrimination, Education, Femininities, Hormones, Immigrants, Latinos, LGBTQ+ sex workers, Machismo, Mental health, MtFs, Transgender community, Transgender people, Transitioning (Gender) Description: Juliana Moraes tells interviewer Sebastián Castro Niculescu about her family immigrating to New Jersey from Brazil, and how growing up as a dark-skinned gender non-confirming child has had lasting ... -
Kate Bornstein Oral History
Collection: Audio and Video Clips and Transcripts Institution: NYC Trans Oral History Project Creator: Bornstein, Kate Date: Nov. 4, 2019 Topics: Activists, Actors, Buddhism, Cancer, Chat rooms, Childhood, Counseling, Crossdressers, Crowdsourcing, Cults, Death and dying, Drag queens, Ethnic groups, Femininities, Film, FtMs, Fundraising, Gender, Gender diversity, Gender realignment surgery, Health, Health care, Lesbians, LGBTI community, Overweight people, Postmodernism, Religions, Scientology, SM, Suicide, Theatre, Transgender community, Transgender people, Transgender studies, Women's studies, World war II, Wrestling, Writers, Youth Subject: 9/11 Terror Attacks, A Queer and Pleasant Danger, A Thousand and One Ways to Live Without Working, America Online (AOL), B'hai, Barbara Carrellas, Christine Jorgensen, Church of Scientology, Gazebo, Gender Just for the Fun of it: Compassionate Gender Strategies for Divisive Times, Gender Outlaw, Hello Cruel World, I Am Cait, Jamison Green, Laura Vogel, Lee Sullivan, On Our Backs, Power Surge, Tuli Kupferberg, We Croak Description: Kate Bornstein discusses her life as a writer and actor. Moving between growing up in a Jewish family on the New Jersey shore, studying acting in school, joining the Church of Scientology, finding ... -
Morgan Hunlen Oral History
Collection: Oral Histories with People of Color Institution: NYC Trans Oral History Project Creator: Hunlen, Morgan Date: Aug. 7, 2019 Topics: Aeronautics, African American universities and colleges, Anime, Bathrooms, Childhood, City planning, Coming out, Conferences, Gay community centers, Gender diversity, Gender studies, Hormones, LGBTI community, Local transit, Mental health, Microaggressions, Police, Public safety, Religions, Sexuality, Stealth, Suicide, Transgender people Subject: Ferguson, Kiwi Herring, Nashville Cares, Scout Schultz, Sean Hake, Stonewall, Trans Day of Remembrance, Transit, Vanderbilt Univeristy -
Naz Oral History
Collection: Oral Histories with People of Color Institution: NYC Trans Oral History Project Creator: Naz, Awad, Nadia Date: Apr. 20, 2017 Topics: Arts and entertainment occupations, Childhood, Class struggle, Clothing, Colleges, Communities, Employment discrimination, Ethnic groups, Families, Gender diversity, Homosexuality, Identity, Immigration, Islam, Labour, Politics, Refugees, Schools, Sexuality, Sports, Substance abuse, Transgender people, Transitioning (Gender) Description: Naz is a gender non-conforming queer artist who works around in between spaces. They were born in Iran into a middle class muslim family, and followed their parents to the United States as a child ... -
Nogga Schwartz Oral History
Collection: Audio and Video Clips and Transcripts Institution: NYC Trans Oral History Project Creator: Adorian, Kristen, Schwartz, Nogga Date: May 26, 2018 Topics: Atheism, Coming out, FtMs, Gender diversity, Homophobia, Hormone therapy, Immigrants, Internalized homophobia, Internet forums, Judaism, Language, LGBTI community, Masculinities, Online dating, Patriarchy, Social media, Transgender people Subject: Planet Out, Topher Gross Description: Kirsten Adorian interviews Nogga Schwartz, an Israeli immigrant who came out as trans as a teenager. He talks about lack of parental acceptance as an adolescent and the importance of the trans comm... -
Rafaela Anshel Oral History
Collection: Audio and Video Clips and Transcripts Institution: NYC Trans Oral History Project Creator: Arban, Courtney Date: Jul. 13, 2017 Topics: Age, Child abuse, Childhood, Choirs, Clothing, Coming out, Families, Friendships, Gay identity, Gender identity, Gender realignment surgery, Health care, HIV/AIDS, Hormones, Judaism, LGBTI community, LGBTQ+ relationships, MtFs, Music, Popular culture, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Privacy, Self-acceptance, Sexual assault, Sexual practices, Social workers, Stereotypes, Support groups, Therapies, Transgender people, Transitioning (Gender), Violence Subject: Gender Identity Project, Rafaela Anshel Description: Rafaela Anshel is a Jewish trans woman, affiliated with the Congregation Beth Simchat Torah. This interview is a reflection of Anshel’s transition. She details accounts from youth up until present ... -
Sandra Mesics Oral History
Collection: Audio and Video Clips and Transcripts Institution: NYC Trans Oral History Project Creator: Mesics, Sandra Date: Jan. 14, 2019 Topics: Childhood, Crossdressers, Crossdressing, Drag, Drag balls, Drag queens, Family members, Femininities, Gender diversity, Gender realignment surgery, Health care, HIV/AIDS, Hormones, Insurance, Journalists, Mardi gras, Marriage, Peace movement, Pronoun, Religions, Roman catholicism, Secrecy, Steel industry and trade, Surgery, Transgender community, Transgender people Subject: Angela Douglas, Betty Johnson, Bobby Ray, Brandy Alexander, Christine Jorgensen, David Wesser, Divine, Eddie Joe Stark, Elizabeth Coffey, Empathy Press, Eromin (Erotic Minorities) Center, Fantasia Fair, Gay Liberation Front, Harry Benjamin, Image, Jack O'Brien, John Money, John Ronald Brown, Lee Brewster, National Enquirer, National Insider, Neptune Productions, Pink Flamingos, Pudgy Roberts, Rachel Harlow, Radical Queens, Reed Erickson, Richard Finocchio, Stonewall Rebellion, The Daily Collegiate, The Transsexual Phenomenon, Third World Communications, Transsexual Action Organization (TAO), Transsexualism and Sex Reassignment, Transvestia, United Transvestites Transsexual Society (UTTS), Virginia Prince, Zelda Suplee Description: andra Mesics is a registered nurse and midwife and has been the director of St. Luke’s School of Nursing since 2004. In this conversation with AJ Lewis, Sandy describes accessing hormones and surge...