Digital Transgender Archive

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  1. Article Written by Rupert Raj for The Badger

    Collection: Rupert Raj Collection
    Institution: The ArQuives
    Creator: Raj, Rupert
    Date: Unknown
    Topics: FtMs, South Asian bisexual people, South Asian transgender people, Trans men, Transgender people's writings
    Subject: Rupert Raj, The Badger
    Description: Rupert Raj's feature article "City Can Do More... To Boost Small Businesses," published by The Badger.
  2. Biography of Rupert Raj

    Collection: Rupert Raj Collection
    Institution: The ArQuives
    Creator: Raj, Rupert
    Date: Unknown
    Topics: FtMs, Gender transition, South Asian bisexual people, South Asian transgender people, Trans men, Transgender people--Identity
    Subject: Foundation for the Advancement of Canadian Transsexuals (FACT), Gender Worker, Metamorphosis Medical Research Foundation, Rupert Raj
    Description: A biography of Rupert Raj, which includes information such as his gender transition and the work he's done providing resources and support to trans people.
  3. Call for Contributers and Research Participants for Gender Worker

    Collection: Rupert Raj Collection
    Institution: The ArQuives
    Creator: Raj, Rupert
    Date: Unknown
    Subject: Gender Worker, International Congress on Cross-Dressing, Sex, and Gender, Rupert Raj
    Description: A call for research participants and materials for Gender Worker.
  4. Gender Identity Association Questionnaire

    Collection: Rupert Raj Collection
    Institution: The ArQuives
    Date: Unknown
    Topics: Medical care
    Subject: Gender Identity Association, Rupert Raj
    Description: Intake questionnaire used by the Gender Identity Association for new patients.
  5. I.F.G.E. Membership List

    Collection: International Foundation for Gender Education Publications and Documents
    Institution: Joseph A. Labadie Collection, University of Michigan
    Creator: International Foundation for Gender Education (IFGE)
    Date: Unknown
    Topics: Crossdressers, Support groups, Transgender people, Transsexual people
    Subject: American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), American Foundation for Gender Medicine, Bay Area Chapter, Bette Johnson, Boulton Park Society, CHIC, CHIC Newsletter, Dallas Chapter Tri-Ess, Dorothy Finch, DREAM Program, Educational Transvestite Chapter (ETVC), Ellen Summers, Emerald City, Foundation for the Advancement of Canadian Transsexuals (FACT), Gender Counseling Editorial Service, Golden Gate Imperial Court, HBIGDA Standards of Care for Hormonal and Surgical Sex Reassignment of Gender Dysphoric Persons, Helen Tibbetts, IFGE National Convention, International Foundation for Gender Education (IFGE), Jan Rupard, Janice Van Cleve, Joan Sheldon, Kim Hellman, Linda McKim, Lynda Frank, Maureen Taylor, Metamorphosis, Nancy Ann Martine, Northwest Gender Alliance (NWGA), Outreach Institute of Gender Studies (OIGS), Pajaro Dunes Outing, Paradise Club, Rainbow Gender Society, Rhapsody, Robin Esch, Rupert Raj, Sacramento Gender Association, Salmacis San Francisco, Samantha Walls, Shangri-La, Sheila Kirk, Tiffany Club of New England (TCNE), Transpitt, Tri Delta Mu, Tri-Ess Society for the Second Self
  6. Letter from Dr. Angela Wensley to Rupert Raj

    Collection: Rupert Raj Collection
    Institution: The ArQuives
    Creator: Raj, Rupert
    Date: Unknown
    Subject: Rupert Raj
    Description: Letter from Angela Wensley to Rupert Raj passing on information regarding a transgender organization, the Zenith Foundation, and contact information for Stephanie Heal, who was a part of that organ...
  7. Letter from Rupert Raj to Phoebe Smith

    Collection: Rupert Raj Collection
    Institution: The ArQuives
    Creator: Raj, Rupert
    Date: Unknown
    Topics: FtMs, South Asian bisexual people, South Asian transgender people, Trans men
    Subject: Gender Worker, Phoebe Smith, Rupert Raj, The TS Voice
    Description: Letter from Rupert Raj to Phoebe Smith congratulating Smith on recieving a "Gender Worker Award," plaque. Raj also provides a response to a letter printed in the last issue of The TS Voice.
  8. Letters from Stephen E. Parent to Rupert Raj (June, 1986)

    Collection: Rupert Raj Collection
    Institution: The ArQuives
    Creator: Parent, Stephen E.
    Date: Unknown
    Topics: South Asian bisexual people, South Asian transgender people, Trans men, Transgender activism, Transgender people's writings
    Subject: Metamorphosis Magazine, Rupert Raj, Susan Huxford, The XX Club
    Description: Letter from Stephen E. Parent to Rupert Raj apologizing for missing the Annual General Meeting and offering help with future endeavors.
  9. Letters to the Editor from Rupert Raj and His Sister, Amala

    Collection: Rupert Raj Collection
    Institution: The ArQuives
    Creator: Raj, Rupert, Sulima, Alama, Brown, Ian
    Date: Unknown
    Topics: FtMs, South Asian bisexual people, South Asian transgender people, Trans men, Transgender activism, Transgender people's writings, Transphobia
    Subject: Amala Sulima, Rupert Raj, Susan Huxford
    Description: Letters from Rupert Raj and Amala (Rupert's sister) addressing the editor of the Global and Mail as well as Sally Jessy Raphael in reaction to article "Altered States" by Ian Brown (included). The ...
  10. Metamorphosis: a Man in the Making

    Collection: Rupert Raj Collection
    Institution: The ArQuives
    Creator: Raj, Rupert
    Date: Unknown
    Topics: Essays, FtMs, South Asian bisexual people, South Asian transgender people, Transgender authors, Transgender identity, Transgender people's writings
    Subject: Rupert Raj
    Description: In this essay, Rupert Raj details his experiences coming out and living as a transgender bisexual man. He also recounts past relationships and discusses the politics and philosophy that guide his l...
  11. Rupert Raj Work History

    Collection: Rupert Raj Collection
    Institution: The ArQuives
    Date: Unknown
    Topics: FtMs, South Asian bisexual people, South Asian transgender people, Trans men
    Subject: Gender Networker, Metamorphosis Medical Research Foundation, Rupert Raj
    Description: Rupert Raj work summary and background. He shares that he recently launched a part-time practice called "RR Consulting that will offer counselling to LGBTQ clients.