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Human Sexuality Collection, Cornell University
Remove constraint Primary institution ssi: Human Sexuality Collection, Cornell University
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Albertin celebre imitateur
Amour en Bretagne-les premiers baisers
Argentan - Nanette, v'la l'marchand d'noisettes
Arigon - Imitateur
Baroness and Baron, Cinderella, Brixton Theatre
Betti Kuhn, weiblicher Gesangskomiker, preisgekront
Betti Kuhn, weiblicher Gesangskomiker, preisgekront
Betti Kuhn, weiblicher Gesangskomiker, preisgekront
Betti Kuhn, weiblicher Gesangskomiker, preisgekront
Betti Kuhn, weiblicher Gesangskomiker, preisgekront
Charly Letsche
Charly Letsche
[Cricket on the Hearth]
Collection: Postcards of Female and Male Impersonators and Cross-dressing Institution: Human Sexuality Collection, Cornell University Creator: Ed. Lasseron Date: circa 1910 Topics: Male impersonators Description: Seven performers with both male and female cross-dressing standing on a lawn in front of a painted backdrop representing a bower. Based on the indication of the roles noted on the verso, the actors... -
Damimitator John Graffton
Collection: Postcards of Female and Male Impersonators and Cross-dressing Institution: Human Sexuality Collection, Cornell University Creator: Svenska Litografisk, Hertzberg, Oscar, Graffton, John Date: circa 1910 Topics: Female impersonators Subject: John Grafton Description: A rather plain music-hall female impersonator with little makeup, but an elaborate off-the-shoulder showgirl dress. Divided verso.Minor staining to upper margin of recto.