Digital Transgender Archive

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  1. Atlanta Action update

    Collection: International Foundation for Gender Education Publications and Documents
    Institution: Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard University
    Creator: International Foundation for Gender Education (IFGE)
    Date: 1995
    Topics: Assigned gender, Biology, Crossdressers, Gatherings, Religions, Transgender community, Transgender people
    Subject: Dallas Denny, James Green, Kate Bornstein, Laura Caldwell, Leslie Feinberg, Linda Peacock, Martine Rothblatt, Sharon Ann Stuart, Winslow Awards
  2. Cross-Port InnerView, Vol. 10 No. 5 (May, 1994)

    Collection: Cross-Port InnerView
    Institution: Digital Transgender Archive
    Creator: Cross-Port
    Date: May 1994
    Topics: Clothing, Coming out, Cosmetics, Crossdressers, Crossdressing, Femininities, Gender realignment surgery, Jewelry, Masculinities, Medicalisation, Prejudices, Religions, Secrecy, Transgender people, Transitioning (Gender)
    Subject: Crystal Club, John Wayne, Live With Kathy Lee and Regis, Sun Wig Shop
    Description: Magazine name changed from "Cross-Port" starting with Vol. 1 No. 3 (September, 1985)
  3. Cross-Port InnerView, Vol. 11 No. 4 (April, 1995)

    Collection: Cross-Port InnerView
    Institution: Digital Transgender Archive
    Creator: Cross-Port
    Date: Apr. 1995
    Topics: Anti-discrimination law, Clothing, Crossdressers, Crossdressing, Drag, Drag balls, Religions, Transgender people, Transsexual people
    Subject: Ann Landers, Be All You Want to Be, Bob Deitel, Deborah Tannen, Esquire Magazine, Frank Jordan, Gary Steele, Gay Pride Day, Gay/Lesbian Switchboard, Greater Cincinnati Gay/Lesbian Coalition, International Foundation for Gender Education (IFGE), Jahna Steele, Jenny Jones, John Money, John Taylor, King's Island, Neil Cargile, Patrick Swayze, Phyllis Randolph Frye, Richard F. Docter, Riki Anne Wilchins, Sandra S. Cole, The Dock, What Sex Am I?, You Just Don't Understand, Yvonne Cook-Riley
    Description: Magazine name changed from "Cross-Port" starting with Vol. 1 No. 3 (September, 1985)
  4. Cross-Port InnerView, Vol. 11 No. 8 (August, 1995)

    Collection: Cross-Port InnerView
    Institution: Digital Transgender Archive
    Creator: Cross-Port
    Date: Aug. 1995
    Topics: Clothing, Coming out, Cosmetics, Crossdressers, Crossdressing, Discrimination, Drag, Drag kings, Female impersonators, Hair, LGBTQ+ relationships, Mormonism, Photography, Religions, Stealth, Transgender people, Transitioning (Gender), Transsexual people
    Subject: Be All You Want to Be, Bobbi L., Charles Busch, Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), Erma Sanders, Everybody's News, Glen and Glenda, Greater Cincinnati Gay/Lesbian Coalition, Jerry Galvin's World, Kim France, Linda Buten, Linda Simpson, Man is Missing Wife, Miss Be All, Mormon Church, National Organization for Women (NOW), New Spirit Metropolitan Community Church, Riki Anne Wilchins, The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Wigstock
    Description: Magazine name changed from "Cross-Port" starting with Vol. 1 No. 3 (September, 1985)
  5. Cross-Talk: The Gender Community's News & Information Monthly, No. 54 (April, 1994)

    Collection: Cross-Talk: The Gender Community’s News & Information Monthly
    Institution: M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections & Archives, University at Albany
    Creator: Richards, Kymberleigh
    Date: Apr. 1994
    Topics: Appearance, Biological evolution, Clothing, Comic strips, Cosmetics, Crossdressers, Discrimination, Education, Employment discrimination, Femininities, FtMs, Gender dysphoria, Gender identity, Gender minorities, Gender realignment surgery, Genetics, HIV/AIDS, Homosexuality, Human reproduction, Intimate partner violence, Intolerance, Language, Letters to the editor, LGBTQ+ relationships, Masculinities, Minority students, Motherhood, MtFs, Religions, Secrecy, Support groups, Transgender people, Transsexualism
    Subject: International Conference on Transgender Law & Employment Policy (ICTLEP), International Foundation for Gender Education (IFGE), Marilyn Irving, Vox Populi
  6. Cross-Talk: The Transgender Community News & Information Monthly, No. 70 (August 1995)

    Collection: Cross-Talk: The Gender Community’s News & Information Monthly
    Institution: M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections & Archives, University at Albany
    Creator: Richards, Kymberleigh
    Date: Aug. 1995
    Topics: Black queer people, Comic strips, Crossdressing, Finances, Gender dysphoria, Gender identity, Gender realignment surgery, LGBTQ+ relationships, Meetings, Physicians, Politics, Queer people of color, Religions, Support groups, Transgender community, Transitioning (Gender), Transsexual people
    Subject: Gender Dysphoria Trust International, GenderPAC, International Conference on Transgender Law & Employment Policy (ICTLEP), International Congress on Cross-Dressing, Sex, and Gender, International Foundation for Gender Education (IFGE), Mistress Formika, RuPaul, Spouses & Partners International Conference for Education (SPICE), Transgender Lobby and Education Days, Wigstock
  7. Cross-Talk: The Transgender Community News & Information Monthly, No. 74 (December, 1995)

    Collection: Cross-Talk: The Gender Community’s News & Information Monthly
    Institution: M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections & Archives, University at Albany
    Creator: Richards, Kymberleigh
    Date: Dec. 1995
    Topics: Activists, Biology, Crossdressers, Drag, Drag queens, FtMs, Hormone therapy, Human rights, Law, Letters to the editor, Lobbying, Musicals, Religions, Therapies, Transgender community, Transgender people
    Subject: GenderPAC, International Foundation for Gender Education (IFGE), Southern Comfort Conference
  8. GenderFlex, Vol. 3 Issue 20 (Jan/Feb/Mar 1994)

    Collection: TV Guise and GenderFlex
    Institution: Joseph A. Labadie Collection, University of Michigan
    Creator: Jones, Billie Jean
    Date: Spring 1994
    Topics: Activists, Civil rights, Conferences, Crossdressers, Education, Gender identity, Religions, Transgender community
    Subject: Educational Transvestite Chapter (ETVC) Cotillion, Kathy Jones, Kymberleigh Richards, STARFLEET
  9. GenderFlex, Vol. 4 Issue 23 (Oct/Nov/Dec, 1994)

    Collection: TV Guise and GenderFlex
    Institution: Joseph A. Labadie Collection, University of Michigan
    Creator: Jones, Billie Jean
    Date: Winter 1994
    Topics: Appearance, Civil rights, Coming out, Crossdressers, FtMs, Gender identity, Intersex, Reference sources, Religions, Sexuality, Transgender community, Transgender people, Transitioning (Gender)
  10. Non-christian- By Birth, versus the Privilege of Choice

    Collection: Newspaper and Periodical Clippings (1950-2000)
    Institution: Independent Voices
    Creator: Earthdaughter, Debby
    Date: Winter 1994
    Topics: Christianity, Conformity, Crossdressers, Cultural diversity, Gender diversity, Lesbian culture, Lesbian identity, Paganism, Religions
  11. Renaissance News & Views, Vol. 8 No. 3 (March 1994)

    Collection: Renaissance News & Newsletters
    Institution: Transgender Archives, University of Victoria
    Creator: Renaissance Education Association
    Date: Mar. 1994
    Topics: Activists, Appearance, Breast, Courts, Crossdressers, Crossdressing, Fantasies, FtMs, Gender realignment surgery, Lingerie, MtFs, Passing (Gender), Police, Popular culture, Religions, Stereotypes, Support groups, Television, Transsexual people
    Subject: Ariadne Kane, Chrysalis Quarterly, Coping with Crossdressing, Fantasia Fair, International Foundation for Gender Education (IFGE), Mrs. Doubtfire, The Outreach Institute
  12. Renaissance News & Views, Vol. 8 No. 7 (July 1994)

    Collection: Renaissance News & Newsletters
    Institution: Transgender Archives, University of Victoria
    Creator: Renaissance Education Association
    Date: Jul. 1994
    Topics: Appearance, Bible, Courts, Crossdressing, Domestic partnerships, DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), Families, Film, Gender realignment surgery, Homosexuality, LGBTI community, MtFs, Olympic games, Politicians, Politics, Religions, Roman catholicism, Sports, Stonewall riots, Theology
    Subject: Fantasia Fair, International Foundation for Gender Education (IFGE), Mrs. Doubtfire, Stonewall 25
  13. Renaissance News & Views, Vol. 9 No. 5 (May 1995)

    Collection: Renaissance News & Newsletters
    Institution: Transgender Archives, University of Victoria
    Creator: Renaissance Education Association
    Date: May 1995
    Topics: Appearance, Christianity, Clothing, Couples, Crossdressing, Drag queens, Events, Fundraising, Gender realignment surgery, Health care, HIV/AIDS, Homophobia, Hormones, Internet, Married people, Misogyny, Religions, Reviews, Sexism, Transgender community, Transsexual people
    Subject: California State University of Northridge (CSUN), Gender Outlaw: On Men, Women, and the Rest of Us, Grace & Lace Letter, International Foundation for Gender Education (IFGE), Kate Bornstein, The Central Oklahoma Transgender Alliance (COTA)
    Description: NY Girls & Partners; Visions & Attitudes;
  14. Renaissance News & Views, Vol. 9 No. 7 (July 1995)

    Collection: Renaissance News & Newsletters
    Institution: Transgender Archives, University of Victoria
    Creator: Renaissance Education Association
    Date: Jul. 1995
    Topics: Androgyny, Bars, BDSM, Breast, Clothing, Crossdressers, Crossdressing, Drag queens, Families, Femininities, Fetishism, Gatherings, Gender dysphoria, Gender identity, Gender realignment surgery, Judaism, Media, Night life, Politics, Religions, Self-image, Shamanism, Sports, Support groups, Swimwear, Television, Transgender community, Transgender people, Transitioning (Gender), Transsexual people
    Subject: Be All You Want to Be, Camille Paglia, Congregation Beth Simchat Torah, Congress of Transgender Organizations (CTO), Crossdressers: And Those Who Share Their Lives, GenderPAC, International Foundation for Gender Education (IFGE), Jayne County, Peggy Rudd, RuPaul, Sexual Personae, Thermolase, Tri-Ess Society for the Second Self, World Congress of Gay and Lesbian Jewish Organizations
  15. The Transgenderist (December, 1994)

    Collection: Upstate New York Newsletters
    Institution: M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections & Archives, University at Albany
    Date: Dec. 1994
    Topics: Acceptance, Christmas, Clothing, Clubs, Conferences, Cosmetics, Crossdressers, Crossdressing, Estrogen, Femininities, FtMs, Gatherings, Gender realignment surgery, Gender role, Hormones, Masculinities, Partners of transgender people, Photography, Religions, Sexual orientation, Transgender people
    Subject: Tri-Ess Society for the Second Self