Digital Transgender Archive
- Queerspace Collective1
- QueerTheology.com1
- Riders Against Gender Exclusion (RAGE)1
- San Francisco AIDS Foundation1
- Scientology1
- Sexual Minorities Archives1
- Stanford University1
- The Audre Lorde Project (ALP)1
- The Exchange1
- The Future of Transgender and Nonbinary People1
- The Jaded Lounge1
- The TransAms1
- Tori Cooper1
- Trans Figured: My Journey from Boy to Girl to Woman to Man1
- Trans Justice Funding Project1
- Trans Youth Support Network (TYSN)1
- Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund (TLDEF)1
- U.S. Professional Association for Transgender Health (USPATH)1
- Uprising Theatre Company1
- Venture Inn1