Digital Transgender Archive
- S/he1
- Sacred Country1
- Sacred Cows Make The Best Hamburger1
- Scottish TV/TS Group1
- Stone Butch Blues1
- The Apartheid of Sex1
- The Bliss of Becoming One1
- The Dual Alliance (TG Fiction)1
- The Employer's Guide to Gender Transition1
- The Grampian Gender Group (3G)1
- The Lenses of Gender1
- The Man in the Red Velvet Dress1
- The Operation1
- The Other Side1
- The Spirit and The Flesh - Sexual Diversity in American Indian Culture1
- The Straight Dope on Hormones1
- The Straight Dope on Hormones with Delia Van Maris, M.D.1
- The Transvestite and His Wife1
- The Trouble with Boys1
- The Uninvited Dilemma: A Question of Gender1