Digital Transgender Archive
- The Village Corset Shop1
- The Whole Women's Sex Book1
- Title IX1
- Toni Ann Diaz1
- Tony Curtis1
- Tracey Ullman1
- Tranny Fest1
- Transgender Aging Network (TAN)1
- Transgender Alliance1
- Transgender Care: Recommended Guidelines, Practical Information & Personal Accounts1
- Transgender Health Action Coalition1
- Transgender Special Outreach Network (TSON)1
- Transgender Tapestry1
- Transsexualism and Sex Reassignment1
- Transsexualism and the Law: A Source Book for Professionals1
- Transvestism: A Handbook with Case Studies for Psychologists, Psychiatrists and Counselors1
- Transvestites: The Erotic Drive to Cross-Dress1
- Trinity Award1
- Tula1