Digital Transgender Archive
- Spouses & Partners International Conference for Education (SPICE)1
- Steinarr Harriday1
- Survivor Project1
- Suzanne J. Kessler1
- Sydney Mitchell1
- Tapestry Magazine1
- The Dark Ages1
- The Journal of Gender Studies1
- The National Lesbian and Gay Law Association (NLGLA)1
- The Uninvited Dilemma: A Question of Gender1
- Tommy Lipton1
- Toronto Life1
- Trans Law Review1
- Trans Youth Poll1
- Trans-Talk1
- TransCare1
- Transgender Care: Recommended Guidelines, Practical Information & Personal Accounts1
- Transgender Emergence: Therapeutic Guidelines for Working with Gender Variant People and Their Families1
- Transgender Law and Policy Institute (TLPI)1
- Transgender Legal Issues in New England1