Digital Transgender Archive
- The Androgyne, Reconciliation of The Male and Female1
- The Club1
- The International Congress on Gender, Crossdressing, and Sex Issues1
- The Language of Clothes1
- The Male, From Infancy to Old Age1
- The Medical Graduate1
- The National Meeting for the Society for the Scientific Study of Sex1
- The Real Life Test1
- The Room With A View1
- The Spirit and The Flesh - Sexual Diversity in American Indian Culture1
- The Transsexual Empire: the Making of the She-Male1
- The Truth About Changing Sex1
- The Well of Lonlineess1
- The XX Club1
- Tiffany Club1
- Tiffany Wive's Support Group1
- Tina Tanner1
- Transexualismo: Do Homem A Muylher Normal Atraves Dos Estados De Intersexualidade E Das Parafilias1
- Transsexualism and the Law: A Source Book for Professionals1
- Transsexuality in the Male1