Digital Transgender Archive
- Harry Benjamin Association1
- Harry Benjamin Foundation1
- Harry Benjamin Resource Center (HBRC)1
- Harry Benjamin Standards of Care1
- Harry Stokes1
- Hasty Pudding Club1
- Hate Crimes Statistics Act (HCSA)1
- He's a Woman, She's a Man1
- Heterosexual Cross Dressers Anonymous (HCDA)1
- Hillary Rodham Clinton1
- Holiday En Femme1
- Homosexual Law Reform Society1
- Hooker Report1
- Hugo Beigel1
- Human Outreach and Achievement Institute1
- Human Rights Campaign Fund (HRCF)1
- IFGE National Convention1
- Industrial Workers of the World (I.W.W.)1
- Information for the Family of the Transsexual1
- Ingersoll Gender Center1