Digital Transgender Archive
- Robert Peary1
- Rocky Horror Picture Show1
- Romer V. Evans1
- Ronnie Sue Ebenstein1
- S.P.I.C.E1
- Sam Coleman1
- Sandy Linter1
- Sandy S.1
- Second Serve1
- Self Help Association for Transsexuals (SHAFT)1
- Sex and the Brain1
- Sex and the Supernatural1
- Sexual Identity Conflict in Children and Adults1
- Sexual Signatures: on Being a Man or a Woman1
- Sexual Variations: Fetishism, Sadomasochism and Transvestism1
- She-Male: The Story of Coccinelle1
- Sherry Suib Cohen1
- Sherwood Anderson1
- Slightly Older Lesbians (SOL)1
- Southern Comfort Conference1