Digital Transgender Archive
- The Labyrinth Foundation Counseling/Gender Service, Inc.2
- The Transsexual Phenomenon2
- Transexualismo: Do Homem A Muylher Normal Atraves Dos Estados De Intersexualidade E Das Parafilias2
- Vanessa Redgrave2
- Academisch Ziekenhuis Vrije Universiteit1
- Alan Watts1
- Allan Berube1
- American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT)1
- American Lifestyles Information and Education Services Inc. (ALIES)1
- Blake Edwards1
- Bodyshock: The Truth about Changing Sex1
- Canon Clinton R. Jones1
- Cathy Brown1
- Center for Gender Reassignment1
- Charing Cross Hospital Gender Identity Clinic1
- Charles Devine1
- Charles Horton1
- Chicago Gender Society1
- Chris Johnson1
- Christine Jorgensen1