Digital Transgender Archive
- Renaissance Transgender Association1
- Richard Freen1
- Roberto Farina1
- Robyn Douglass1
- Sharon Satterfield1
- Standards of Care1
- Stanley Biber1
- Stephen Bernstein1
- The Gender Trap1
- The Labyrinth Foundation Counseling/ Gender Service, Inc.1
- The Society for the Scientific Study of Sex1
- The Well of Lonlineess1
- Tom Mazur1
- Transexualismo: Do Homem A Muylher Normal Atraves Dos Estados De Intersexualidade E Das Parafilias1
- Transsexualism & Sex Reassignment1
- Transsexuals: A Special Report1
- Transvestites: The Erotic Drive to Cross-Dress1
- TV-TS Tapestry1
- Venus Castina1
- Victor/ Victoria1