Digital Transgender Archive
- Rush v. Parham1
- Sandy Linter1
- Sexual Variations: Fetishism, Sadomasochism and Transvestism1
- Sherry Suib Cohen1
- Stonewall1
- The Birth of Barbars1
- The Book On The Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are1
- The Difference Between a Man and a Woman1
- The Evelyn Roaman Book: An Expert Shows You How Heavy Can Be Happy1
- The Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act (GENDA)1
- The Grampian Gender Group (3G)1
- The Lingerie Book1
- The Man-Maid Doll1
- The Mysteries of Sex1
- The Mystery of Alexina1
- The New Beauty Book1
- The Psychology of Sex Differences1
- The Transvestite and His Wife1
- The Turn About Party1
- The Woman's Dress for Success Book1