Digital Transgender Archive
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- Caitlyn Jenner3
- Laverne Cox3
- HBIGDA Standards of Care for Hormonal and Surgical Sex Reassignment of Gender Dysphoric Persons2
- Program in Human Sexuality2
- University of Minnesota2
- Affordable Care Act1
- American Psychiatric Association (APA)1
- Annual Minneapolis Transgender Equity Summer1
- Audre Lorde1
- Board of Directors of Equality South Dakota1
- Bridges to Coalition: A Community Forum on Trans Issues1
- Brown College1
- Callen-Lorde's Health Outreach to Teens Program1
- Casa Ruby1
- City of Lakes Crossgender Community (CLCC)1
- City Year1
- Collier Cole1
- Cullan Markland1
- Dallas Denny1
- Doe v. State of Minnesota1