Digital Transgender Archive
- Food and Drug Administration (FDA)1
- Foundation for the Advancement of Canadian Transsexuals (FACT)1
- Gemini Gender Group1
- Gender Awareness and Information Network (GAIN)1
- Gender Awareness and Involvement Network (GAIN)1
- Ginny Knuth1
- Golden Gate Girls/Guys1
- Half the Human Experience: The Psychology of Women1
- Harold Newman1
- He: Understanding Masculine Psychology1
- Human Rights Campaign (HRC)1
- IFGE National Convention1
- In a Year of Thirteen Moons1
- International Alliance for Male Feminism (IAMF)1
- It's Time America1
- J. Ross Browne1
- J.J. Allen1
- Janice Raymond1
- Jody Suzanne Ford1
- John Brown1