Digital Transgender Archive
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- Foundation for the Advancement of Canadian Transsexuals (FACT)2
- Louis G. Sullivan2
- Metamorphosis Medical Research Foundation2
- Rupert Raj2
- 10th Annual Guelph Conference1
- Anchorage Daily News1
- Ben Johnson1
- Billy Tipton1
- Claude Migeon1
- Deviance: Tolerable Difference1
- Edward Herold1
- Gender Review1
- Gender Worker1
- Gu Jianfei1
- Harry Benjamin1
- Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association1
- Herculine Barbin: Being the Recently Discovered Memoirs of a Nineteenth-Century French Hermaphrodite1
- International Foundation for Gender Education (IFGE)1
- James Nelson1
- Norman Fisk1