Digital Transgender Archive
- Magnus Hirschfeld1
- Maharishi Maharesh Yogi1
- Maine Gender Resource and Support Service (Megress)1
- Maine Lesbian Gay Political Alliance (MLPGA)1
- Major!1
- Making Sex: Body and Gender from the Greeks to Freud1
- Malachi Larrabee-Garza1
- Man in Charge (The Executive's Guide to Grooming, Manners and Travel)1
- Man Tool: The Nuts and Bolts of Female-to-Male Surgery1
- Manora's Thai Cuisine1
- Marc Andrew Mario1
- Marc Grady1
- Marcelle Cook-Daniels1
- Marcelle Y. Cook-Daniels1
- March on Washington for Lesbian, Gay and Bi Equal Rights and Liberation1
- Marcus Arana1
- Marcus Rene Van1
- Marcuus Rene Van1
- Marcy Sheiner1
- Margaret O'Regan1