Digital Transgender Archive
- Michelle Stanton1
- National Organization for Women (NOW)1
- Nicole Taylor1
- Orith Goldberg1
- Paul Jones1
- Powder Puffs of California1
- Rachel Padman1
- Rainbow Gender Association (RGA)1
- Rhyanna Britney1
- S.P.I.C.E1
- Shirley Bushnell1
- Sigma Epsilon1
- Stanford University Gender Dysphoria Program1
- Susan R. Cohen1
- Tatiana Montilla1
- The Diablo Valley Girls (DVG)1
- The National Association for the Research, Treatment and Prevention of Homosexuality1
- The National Lesbian and Gay Law Association (NLGLA)1
- Transgender Youth Symposium1
- Tri-Ess Society for the Second Self1