Digital Transgender Archive
- Sydney Mitchell1
- Tamara Edel Rees1
- Ten Commandments for Crossdressers1
- Terrence Stamp1
- The Birdcage1
- The Bliss of Becoming One1
- The Cinderella Complex: Women's Hidden fear of Independence1
- The Cross & The Crossdresser1
- The Developmental Stages of Transsexuality1
- The Diary of a Young Lady of Fashion in the Year 1764-17651
- The Gathering1
- The Gender Booklist1
- The Gender Paradox1
- The Geraldo Rivera Show1
- The Male, From Infancy to Old Age1
- The Names Project1
- The National Association for the Research, Treatment and Prevention of Homosexuality1
- The National Lesbian and Gay Law Association (NLGLA)1
- The National Meeting for the Society for the Scientific Study of Sex1