Digital Transgender Archive
- Hate Crimes Prevention Act (HCPA)1
- Health Law Standards of Care for Transsexualism1
- Heather Peerson1
- Helen Cassidy1
- Hermaphrodites With Attitude (HWA)1
- Hiromasa Ando1
- Human Rights Commission of San Francisco1
- Human Rights Ordinance1
- Illinois Gays for Legislative Action1
- Imperial Court1
- In a Year of Thirteen Moons1
- Indiana Crossdresser Society1
- Integracion Gay Lesbica Argentina1
- International Congress on Cross-Dressing, Sex, and Gender1
- International Gender Dysphoria Symposium1
- It's Time Maryland1
- J.J. Allen1
- Jackie Thorne1
- Jahna Steele1
- James Clavell1