Digital Transgender Archive
- Press For Change1
- Priscilla, Queen of the Desert1
- Queer Nation1
- Reg Jones1
- Renaissance Education Association, Inc.1
- Rene Ouellet1
- Rodney Dale Neadeau1
- Roz Wineman1
- Sabrina Robb1
- San Antonio Equal Rights Political Caucus for Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, and Transgendered (SAERPC)1
- Sarah DePalma1
- Shawn Keegan1
- Shelly Scalari1
- Silicon Valley Gender Association1
- Southern Comfort Conference1
- Stop Prison Rape1
- Susan Kimberly1
- Talk shows1
- The Advocate1
- The Blank Point: What Is Transsexualism?1