Digital Transgender Archive
- The Transexual Menace6
- de Maria Arana, Marcus5
- Gutierrez, Jose5
- Lesbian and Gay Community Services Center5
- Phillips, Cynthia5
- Ross, Mirha-Soleil5
- The Audre Lorde Project5
- Wicker, Randy5
- Forrester, Anne4
- Frederickson, Tere4
- Kirk, Sheila4
- Lewis, Yoseñio4
- M., Vikki4
- MacKay, Xanthra Phillippa4
- Manley, Dion4
- Maxwell, Daralyn S4
- Ottoson, Denise R.4
- Roberts, JoAnn4
- Rothblatt, Martine Aliana4
- Skyclad Publishing Co.4