Digital Transgender Archive
- Crossroads2
- de Maria Arana, Marcus2
- Dugan, Jess2
- Erickson Educational Foundation (EEF)2
- Fantasia Fair2
- Foerster, David2
- GLBT Historical Society2
- Horwitz, Kevin2
- Hughes, Lenard2
- International Conference on Transgender Law and Employment Policy (ICTLEP)2
- Laing, Alison2
- Lewis, Yoseñio2
- Paradise Club2
- Reuters Agency, Ltd.2
- Rothblatt, Martine Aliana2
- Shevlowitz, Jeff2
- Smith, Brice2
- Tennenbaum, Ric2
- The Outreach Institute of Gender Studies (OIGS)2
- Transpitt2