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Leather Archives & MuseumThe Leather Archives & Museum is dedicated to the compilation, preservation, and maintenance of leather, kink, and fetish lifestyles. Our museum galleries serve to present educational and historical material to an adult audience. Our reading library and archive serve to support researchers and community members in accessing materials and documentation relevant to the history and culture of leather. |
The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community CenterThe LGBT Community Center National History Archive serves to preserve the history of our community and its rich heritage. Founded in 1990 by volunteer archivist Rich Wandel, the archive provides a look into the lives and experiences of LGBT people throughout the years. |
LGBTQ+ Collection, University of Southern Maine LibrariesUniversity of Southern Maine's Special Collections administers the Jean Byers Sampson Center for Diversity in Maine which includes the LGBTQ+ Collection. The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer+ Collection Southern Maine collects and preserves the history of Maine’s LGBTQ+ communities. We collect the papers of individuals and the records of organizations active in these communities. The collection includes all forms of material culture from printed books, pamphlets, posters, to manuscripts, diaries, to objects, buttons, T-shirts, banners, games, a wide variety of ephemera, to photographs and audiovisual material. Following professional standards, we carefully guard the privacy of individuals involved in the collections. |
LGBTQ Religious Archives NetworkThe LGBTQ Religious Archives Network (LGBT-RAN) is an innovative venture in preserving history and encouraging scholarly study of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) religious movements around the world. LGBTQ-RAN can best be understood as a "virtual" archive. It is not a physical repository that collects and preserves papers and records. Instead, LGBTQ-RAN is a resource center that enables the preservation of history and makes historical information easily accessible through this web site. |
London Metropolitan ArchivesThe London Metropolitan Archives (LMA) are home to an extraordinary range of documents, images, maps, films and books about London. The LMA is free to use and open to everyone. Whether you’re tracing your family history or researching the history of your neighbourhood, if you’re interested in London or Londoners, LMA is the place to visit. |
Los Angeles Public LibraryThe Los Angeles Public Library provides free and easy access to information, ideas, books and technology that enrich, educate and empower every individual in Los Angeles' diverse communities. |
Louise Lawrence Transgender ArchiveThe goal of the Louise Lawrence Transgender Archive (LLTA) is to increase the understanding of transgender people and encourage new scholarship by making transgender historical materials available to students, scholars and the public. The archive is named in honor of Northern California transgender pioneer Louise Lawrence, who began living full-time as a woman in 1942, first in the Berkeley, CA, then San Francisco. She, along with Virginia Prince and others, published the first incarnation of Transvestia in 1952. |
Louisiana Trans Oral History ProjectThe Louisiana Trans Oral History Project gathers, preserves, and promotes the stories of Louisiana's trans and gender nonconforming communities. We were founded in 2020 and are a community-run and community-focused initiative to reinvest in our community and struggle for a brighter future for us all. |
M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections & Archives, University at AlbanyThe principal purpose of The M. E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives is to collect, preserve, provide access to, exhibit, and encourage use of the University Libraries' unique manuscript and archival materials, the official records of the University, rare books, and printed materials. These materials are acquired by gift or purchase and serve the current and future research interests of faculty, students, and others affiliated with the University as well as other researchers from the region and beyond. |
Museum of TransologyThe Museum of Transology (MoT) is the most significant collection of material culture surrounding trans, non-binary and intersex lives in the world. The scope of the collection includes artefacts, interpretation tags, exhibition set pieces, and digital surrogates of the Museum of Transology, including: hormone medications, needles, and boxes; clothing, shoes and handbags; gender affirming body accessories, including chest binders and prosthetics; items from hospitals, including clothing and miscellaneous artefacts; hair and beauty products, including make-up, personal hygiene products and hair accessories; books, poetry and creative writing; paper tags with handwritten messages; and correspondence regarding gender reassignment procedures. All items held at Bishopsgate Institute. |
New York Public LibraryThe New York Public Library has been an essential provider of free books, information, ideas, and education for all New Yorkers for more than 125 years. Founded in 1895, NYPL is the nation’s largest public library system, featuring 92 locations across the Bronx, Manhattan, and Staten Island, including our world-renowned research centers at the Stephen A. Schwarzman Building, the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, and The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts. |
Northeastern University Archives and Special CollectionsThe Archives and Special Collections Department is part of the Northeastern University Libraries. Its goal is to document the teaching, research, community service, and administrative functions of the University and to document student life. This goal is accomplished by collecting the historically significant records of the University. The Department also preserves and makes available the records of private, non-profit, community-based organizations that document diverse and under-documented populations. |
NYC Trans Oral History ProjectThe NYC Trans Oral History Project is a collective, community archive working to document transgender resistance and resilience in New York City. They work to confront the erasure of trans lives and to record diverse histories of gender as intersecting with race and racism, poverty, dis/ability, aging, housing migration, sexism, and the AIDS crisis. It was organized in collaboration with the New York Public Library Community Oral History Project. |
ONE Archives at the USC LibrariesONE Archives at the USC Libraries is the largest repository of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ) materials in the world. Founded in 1952, ONE Archives currently houses over two million archival items including periodicals, books, film, video and audio recordings, photographs, artworks, organizational records, and personal papers. ONE Archives has been a part of the University of Southern California Libraries since 2010. |
OUTWORDSOUTWORDS collects, archives and shares the experience and wisdom of LGBTQ+ pioneers, to serve as a model for enduring social change in the United States and beyond. |